Thursday, September 10, 2009


KISS, AMERICA KISS!!! The writin' is done, the prayers are on. Now I need to get this bad boy published. I have spoken the word into existence. Book in hand is just minor "take no calities". My challenges stem around the understanding that I am a trench woman. I am the doer. My forte is on the mission fields, wiping noses, praying over babies being blinded by pink eye, stumbling up mountain paths to bring plates of food to the blind and severely handicapped.
I am being strangled and derailed by the minutia of monies to self publish again. I am couch potatoed by the challenges of having all of the testimonies written but no stage, podium or audience.
I received a call from the supervisor of one of the orphanages I fed this summer. Telling me they were out of food. But worst of all the children are not crying over hunger, they are in tears because there is no money to hire a teacher this year. There will be no school for 2009-2010. Nine year ago, God asked me to "GOT TELL IT ON THE MOUNTAINS" of His, Love, Mercy and Grace. After discovering 76 abandoned children living on the mountains naked like wild animals God has now called me to "go tell it FROM the mountains."
My prayer this morning was Holy Masterful Father, move, move now in a big way on behalf of your angels on the mountains. And I will give you ALLLLLLLL of the Glory. And lookah, lookah, heah. I open my gmail to find out of the Divinely Appointed blue--an invitation to become apart of Premier Writers. How perfect, because my God is THE PREMIER GOD of all gods.
Yolantha Harrison-Pace

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