Wednesday, August 26, 2009

...that's meeeeeee!!!

Oh my look what I found. Go to ( . This is just proof of the pudding that you must always keep your nose clean. Just never know where something you have done or said will show up. This was done way, way, way before youtube was sooooo popular. And way back at the very beginning of my missionary career. Even though it was was posted on youtube February of this year. Hope you can see it, I had to turn my volume up real high. If you want to order my lil' palmette pamplets called HINT, HINT!!! and the other one called GET OUT!!! ( $3.50 a piece or $4.99 for both) email me at I created these to give to friends who are victims and don't even realize or have any HINT that they are in trouble and for my friends that need encouragement and the inspiration to GET OUT of their horrible situations.

I was just doing a random google of my name and clicked on that site. When I opened it I stood straight up and shouted...that's meeeeeeee!!! Alright good night, love you madly, Yolantha

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