Sunday, June 26, 2011

Oh beautiful, for spacious skies for amber waves of's a hard job, but somebody's got to do it. Imagine how hard the Angels worked on September 11th. They are still standing watch over GROUND ZERO.
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Where were you when September 11th happened? I was in Walmart and heard and saw it on the TV's in the electronic section. I rushed home, my life as an American never remained the same and I became for 7 days SLEEPLESS IN KENTUCKY. For readings in honor of those families who suffered and lost loved ones on that horrible day I can be reached at or 859-936-7313
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Angels of Mercy, it's a hard job but somebody has got to do it. I think of the multitude of Angels that God has dispensed to help see America through its multitude of tragedies. This is a sample of the one of a kind Angels that I am making in honor of those who suffered and died on September 11. to place an order or find out more.
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